Prof. Dr. Jesmine Banu
Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
Full Name: Dr. Maksudul Alam, PT
Degree: BPT (PU) Dhaka, PGD (Acu), PGC-Sports Medicine
Designation: Consultant Physiotherapist, Dhonia Medihope ,
Dhonia Medihope,817, Donia,japani complex, Barnamal
Consultation Fee (New Patient): 600.00 TK.
Follow up Fee: 400.00 TK.
Hospital: Dhonia Medihope,817, Donia,japani complex, Barnamal
Specialization: Physiotherapist.
Year of Experience: 10
About: Consultant physiotherapista(Dhonia Medihope,817, Donia,japani complex,Barnamala school road,Jatrabari,Dhaka),Sr.Lecturer(ex),Department of Physiotherapy, Peoples University of Bangladesh. Having 10 years of professional experience.consulting time: every friday (9 am - 11 am)